EU consultation on new tobacco rules
Don't let the EU ruin your business! Raise your voice in EU consultation against new tobacco rules!
Have you already made preparations to "exit the market"?
This is the question the EU Commission is asking retailers of tobacco and nicotine products in the public consultation on the review of rules for tobacco products, e-cigarettes and other nicotine products, which runs until 16 May.
The Brussels authority is pursuing the explicit goal of a "tobacco-free Europe". With a stricter prohibition policy, it wants to increasingly restrict and impede the legal sale of tobacco and nicotine products.
We, the associations of the tobacco wholesale and retail trade, the petrol station trade and the industry, call on all traders to now say a decisive NO to Brussels' attack on the tobacco trade in the EU's public consultation!
Below and right you will find the joint call to trade as well as the guide with helpful tips and hints on how to easily and quickly participate in the EU Commission's public consultation.
Bundesverband des Tabakwaren-Einzelhandels (BTWE)
Bundesverband Deutscher Tabakwaren- Großhändler und Automatenaufsteller (BDTA)
Zentralverband des Tankstellengewerbes (ZTG)
Bundesverband der Tabakwirtschaft und neuartiger Erzeugnisse (BVTE)
- You want to continue to be informed about the planned EU tobacco reform even after the consultation has ended? Then register with the BVTE initiative "Dein Ding! Say no to further bans"

- Joint appeal to the trade
- Guide to easy and quick participation in EU survey